InfoTech Solutions for Business

InfoTech Releases iMRLN (Mobile Research Library)
Press, Text, Forbes / Oct 6, 2010

InfoTech Solutions for Business Announces the Release of Mobile Research Library Access for iPad / iPhone (iMRLN)

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InfoTech, a leading technology provider in the Government and Financial and Media industries based in New York, New York with offices in Minot, North Dakota, announces the release of its new Mobile Research Library Access for iPad / iPhone software application to the financial industry. The newly released application fully leverages the benefits provided by the iPad/iPhone mobile computing platform including:

  • Provides a major competitive edge to users of the application over the competition
  • Allows fast and convenient access to the clients’ latest research data
  • Reinforces financial companies to brand and intellectual value to consumers
  • Provides users with complete control in defining research access entitlements
  • Delivers the ability to fully quantify and qualify interests of iPad/iPhone and other mobile platform users
  • Drastically reduces costs for financial companies related to research distribution and subscription management while delivering end-consumers the content they want

The product was developed as a joint effort between InfoTech’s New York and North Dakota offices as InfoTech continues its investment in the growing Minot operation. Several major Wall Street firms have already committed to the product.

Matti Kon, InfoTech’s President & CEO, stated, “The success of this product, which is one of the first to market to utilize and leverage iPad/iPhone and other mobile computing platforms, brings together several business goals and ideologies in perfect synchronization; those include continuous profitable growth of the company by developing and offering cutting edge IT products for our various markets and doing it by utilizing US labor only with no off-shoring work outside of the US.” Kon added, “There is no question that in the intellectual properties business, which we are in, our products are only as good as our intellect, i.e. our work force. Minot and North Dakota have proven to be a wonderful fertile ground not only for agriculture, but also for great IT professionals.”

Melissa Korslien, who has been leading InfoTech’s client service and community relations in Minot, North Dakota added, “InfoTech’s dedication to the local workforce development in North Dakota and to the local community is exceptional, some of our latest endeavors include InfoTech’s active participation in Job Fairs, active internship programs with ND universities, participation in trade shows, and continuous training and hiring programs for new employees.”

InfoTech’s growing visibility in the Government, Financial and Media markets utilizing US labor has been noticeable. “It is not a coincidence that InfoTech, which started its Minot, North Dakota operation only four years ago, is today the largest software development employer in Minot, North Dakota. Our strong and loyal clients and employee base, along with our constant strive for excellence, have proven themselves,” added Wesley (Mac) Magaster, a 26-year Air-Force veteran of the Minot Air Force base, who has been the COO of the North Dakota operation since its inception in 2006.

About InfoTech Solutions for Business, Inc.

InfoTech Solutions for Business, Inc. (InfoTech) is a privately owned software house and system integration company with a variety of products, IT services and business practices. Headquartered in midtown Manhattan, with satellite offices in the U.S. only, InfoTech is a Microsoft Certified Partner and GSA approved contractor with multiple credentials and certifications. The company’s clients include some of the most prestigious banks, media companies, government agencies, and small to mid-size companies representing a wide range of industries. Additional information can be found at or by contacting InfoTech at (212)245-4222.

InfoTech Solutions for Business

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