Labor Management Systems (LMS)
InfoTech’s Labor Management Systems (LMS) provide organized labor robust tools for managing and assisting workforce and employer entities. Our systems provide labor unions an easy method for managing funds and benefit allocations across the entire membership, while providing employers quick methods for reporting membership hours and determining the total amount of benefits payments relative to their employees. This system provides a modern approach for providing out-of-work members with new opportunities.
InfoTech’s Workforce Tracking and Reporting System (WRS) is a customizable Web-based application that supports labor management organizations and contractors in their daily activities related to job type management, based on collective bargaining agreements, contractor roster management, contractor time sheet submission, invoicing and reporting.


Job Type Management
Provides labor union the ability to define work categories based on collective bargaining agreements or other types of agreements. Such a work category is characterized by wage rate, fringe benefits, period of validity and more. The application offers a wizard like approach, with business validation filters to ensure correctness.

Roster Management
Provides contractor the ability to manage their rosters. (i.e. add/remove members to rosters)

Timesheet Submission
Provides contractor the ability to submit timesheets at the end of each day, week, or month. For larger contractor organizations, the application provides bulk upload support, by which contractors can upload timesheets via Excel and CSV / tab delimited files.

Automatic Alerts / Reminders
Alerts based on various conditions are automatically sent by email and displayed on a dashboard page for both labor union and contractor.

HTTPS secured transfer based on SSL/TLS and role based access control.

Confidentiality of Data
Passwords are not stored in plain text. Sensitive information is encrypted before being stored in the database, and information is filtered on the screen based on user roles.

Audit Trail Capabilities
All changes to the database, together with the authors of the changes, are recorded for future reference. All IVR conversations are recorded and stored.


Workforce Tracking and Reporting System (WRS) was built and deployed on a Microsoft .NET environment, with the implementation done in the C# programming language. The application employed the following technologies: Microsoft LINQ for database query language and data transformations, Microsoft SQL Server as the database management system, Microsoft SQL Server – Reporting Services for reporting capabilities, Microsoft Internet Information Services as the Web server and Microsoft Windows Server as the deployment OS platform. In addition, Ajax controls and digital certificates for HTTPS secure transfer were integrated into the project as third party technologies.