The Three Ways of DevOps
Dimitris Papathomopoulos / Nov 7, 2013
Maximize the throughput of your organization’s IT
“DevOps” is a term of modern computing that refers to tighter integration of Development teams and IT Operations, and it’s in contrast to “Traditional IT” where each department (e.g. Business Users, Information Security Officers, Developers, Database Administrators, System Administrators, Quality Control Testers, etc.) typically works independently from each other.
Supporters of the DevOps movement believe an organization can rapidly produce high quality software products and services by adapting to The Three Ways described below:
The First Way of DevOps emphasizes on engineering a “pull” system of practices available to the whole organization that continuously deliver value to the business as a form of a service, as opposed to creating and supporting disconnected silo teams.
The First Way requires that you have full “Appreciation of the System” (as per W. Edwards Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge), you are always aware of all stages of your delivery pipeline, and you never allow constraints and dependencies to decrease the flow of your delivery.
For example, a process that relies on Business Users to provide complete requirements in the form of documentation before the development of an application begins is not a Delivery system. A process that creates an application but leaves the code in the Version Control repository waiting for a QC group to start testing is not a Delivery system. A process that provides Quality Control testing to an application, but includes no planning of installing it to its natural environment for User Acceptance Testing and Production deployment is not a Delivery system. A Delivery system begins when minimum requirements are identified, are build in Development, and then transitioned into IT Operations to provide immediate value to the customer, and then continuously improve on this value.
Any process that delivers a product or a service to your customer should “fail fast”. In engineering a system that “fails fast” is designed in way to notify its interface of failure or a potential failure quickly so a corrective action can be taken as early in the process as possible. This can be accomplished by implementing feedback loops in various stages of the process.
The Second Way emphasizes on shortening the distance of the feedback loops and amplifying them as much as possible so the process fails but gets corrected as early and as quickly as possible.
The Third Way is about changing the culture of your organization to foster the following:
- Continuous experimentation
- Risk taking
- Learning from failure
- Mastery through repetition and practice
- Continuous improvement
The DevOps movement asserts continuous learning, experimentation and inquiry as the best way an organization can identify novel engines of growth.
InfoTech can help you implement DevOps or Traditional IT in your organization. We support startups, small businesses, and enterprises to develop and bring systems to their end-users quickly, boost the rate at which applications are upgraded and rolled out, and reduce the time and human resources associated with applying fixes and patches. Please call us for consultation. 212-245-4222