
Research Note Automation Module

Research Notes (such as Company notes or Industry notes) are the most time-sensitive of research publications produced by financial institutions. Research departments need a quick and easy way to create and distribute these reports. The Research Note Automation module allows research analysts and associates to leverage corporate databases to easily author and submit notes for publication and distribution.

RPAS integrates with Microsoft Word to automate the creation of documents based templates that are uniquely built to match each organization’s branding requirements. This provides quick data population as well as complete preservation of corporate branding.

Research Note Automation Module Company Note



Simple functions to assign additional tagging information and set up distribution preferences for the created reports
Simple macro functions to refresh all or part of the data in the document
Easy-to-use wizards to automatically bring data, text and graphics into templates that comply with the research department’s desired format and corporate branding
Tools to extract and re-use information from existing reports to create different Meeting Packet versions
Automatic insertion of company disclosures and other statements required by compliance

InfoTech Solutions for Business

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