InfoTech Solutions for Business

The Potential Dangers of Cryptocurrency
Press, Video, Cheddar / Jan 12, 2018

Cheddar TV Interviews Matti Kon on the Potential Dangers of Cryptocurrency.

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South Korea taking steps to ban Bitcoin. The news shining a light on regulation of cryptocurrency, and ways government can and would step in. InfoTech’s President and CEO Matti Kon explains the need for regulation for potential dangers in this space.

Kon explains that governments cracking down on the crypto space is not a new thing. What is different in this case is the amount of power and weight South Korea holds in the field. The obsession with cryptocurrency has hit strikingly high numbers. This meant the crypto industry took a hit after the South Korea news.

South Korea also has a high unemployment rate. For some in the country, the obsession spilled into an opportunity to bring in revenue.

On the negative side of crypto trading, Kon explains that cryptocurrencies do have ties to the dark web and dark activity. Cryptocurrency is helping to fund crime around the world.

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