Supported by Senator Byron Dorgan, InfoTech Celebrates 5-Year Anniversary in North Dakota Concurrently as President Obama Announces Imperativeness of In-Shoring Jobs in USA
On the eve of InfoTech’s celebration of 5 years of successful IT operations in North Dakota, President Obama affirmed how imperative it is for the U.S. economy to reverse offshoring and keep jobs in the U.S. Sundog Inc. of Fargo received the Premier IT Business Award, which honors a business that has achieved outstanding success by developing or providing IT business solutions.
Headquartered in New York, InfoTech, a leading software house and system solutions company, offers clients a 100% U.S. based workforce with the highest quality technical expertise, supported by strong communication channels and a clear understanding of the American business environment. As offshoring has increased in recent years, resulting in lost jobs in the U.S., InfoTech has remained committed to its business vision. To stay cost competitive for clients, InfoTech opened a full programming operation in Minot, North Dakota in 2007.
As President Obama seeks to reverse the offshoring trend and bring jobs back to the U.S., InfoTech proudly celebrates its 5 years of achievement and looks toward the future of in-shoring to strengthen the American economy and maintain our country’s technological competitive edge.
“We believe our clients not only respect our vision, but they reap the benefits of an IT company that operates in the U.S., with 100% American labor,” said Mr. Kon, InfoTech’s President and CEO.
Continued Mr. Kon, “Whether you are a Democrat or Republican, all of us as Americans are concerned about the ongoing trend and growing risks associated with shipping jobs overseas. Continuing this trend is risking the industrial and technological future of the next generations.”
Senator Byron Dorgan (Ret.) of North Dakota, who has been a long time proponent of in-shoring, a supporter of InfoTech’s presence in North Dakota and is the author of Take this Job and Ship It added, “Matti Kon is a corporate leader who understands that building businesses in the U.S., as opposed to shipping jobs overseas, has big advantages for his business and also for our country. He is a CEO who made the decision to build an information technology center in Minot, North Dakota instead of locating it overseas. Other CEOs should take his lead and understand what Matti Kon already knows. Creating jobs in the U.S. is good for the corporate bottom line and at the same time creates jobs here and strengthens the American economy.”
Since its inception, InfoTech has not off-shored work to any foreign countries. Bringing this vision to Minot, North Dakota in 2007 has allowed young professionals and recent graduates in the high-tech field to build careers in their hometown, while providing the highest quality of service to clients such as the Department of Defense, New York and New Jersey Labor Unions, Raytheon Missile Systems and many others.
InfoTech Solutions for Business, Inc. (InfoTech) is a privately owned software house and system integration company with a variety of products, IT services and business practices. Headquartered in midtown Manhattan, with satellite offices in the U.S. only, InfoTech is a Microsoft Certified Partner and GSA approved contractor with multiple credentials and certifications. The company’s clients include some of the most prestigious banks, media companies, government agencies, and small to mid-size companies representing a wide range of industries. Additional information can be found at or by contacting InfoTech at (212)245-4222.