Trusted Authorization Policy Engine (TAPE)
For Planning Systems Inc. (PSI), acquired by QinetiQ USA in 2006. Trusted Authorization Policy Engine (TAPE) is a modern authorization service that provides attribute based access control (ABAC) decisions for user access to resources within a network domain that it protects. Decisions are based on attributes of subjects, resources, environments and standardized access policies. TAPE’s feature set includes:

What was the challenge?
InfoTech was approached by Planning Systems Inc. (PSI) to create a system that enables an organization to secure and monitor access to their enterprise resources, by identifying who is trying to access and what are they’re allowed to see. As more of PSI’s systems were transitioning to the web, PSI required a different method than their legacy systems to authenticate and authorize its users.

How InfoTech approached the challenge
InfoTech developed a system that provides authorization decisions based on user characteristics as well as environmental conditions – method also known as Attribute Base Access Control (ABAC). For example, if the security clearance of the user is greater than or equal to the security level of the resource requested and the current day is a working day, then allow access to the resource – otherwise deny access.

Benefits of TAPE


Project Status

Delivered on time

Delivered on budget

Contract Type

Sample Screenshots

Policy Administration Point : Access Control Policies
Administrators can browse and manipulate the rules that specify if a user has the right to access certain resources. A rule is simply a set of conditions. A rule is true if all its conditions are true. The screen provides an easy-to-use tree view of all the rules in the database.

TAPE Internal Configuration
The administrator controls TAPE’s internal configuration. The internal configuration consists of system settings (e.g. operation mode), log settings (e.g. size, filters) and the policy to be used when making authorization decisions. This screen also provides a test function. It allows administrators to test a new/updated access policy before making it operational.