Monthly Archives: October 2020

Alcoholic neuropathy: possible mechanisms and future treatment possibilities PMC

alcohol neuropathy stages

More recent research, however, suggests that alcohol can directly damage nerves. The evidence points toward alcohol-related peripheral neuropathy being a form of toxic neuropathy, rather than nutritional neuropathy. Malnutrition has been implicated in the pathology of alcohol-related neuropathy by several authors. The majority of studies which investigate the relationship between malnutrition and neuropathy focus on thiamine deficiency as an aetiological factor, drawing upon existing knowledge of Beri Beri. A smaller number of publications do attribute thiamine deficiency, but generally speaking these studies were older or of lower quality evidence [4, 6, 30, 58, 76, 77]. It is important to stop drinking if you suffer from alcoholic polyneuropathy in order to stop the disease from getting worse and to correct the nutritional imbalance that is damaging the...

Does Drinking Water Lower Blood Pressure? Experts Explain

does alcohol affect bp

According to the results, one glass of alcohol has little to no effect on blood pressure, and drinking one to two standard drinks decreases blood pressure for up to 12 hours. But for those who drank much more than two drinks, blood pressure started to rise after 12 hours, the review study found. High blood pressure (BP) forces your heart to work extra hard to pump blood, causing your arteries to become stiff and narrow over time, setting the stage for a heart attack or stroke, notes the American Heart Association (AHA).

  1. Karatzi 2005, Mahmud 2002, Maule 1993, and Potter 1986 did not mention the method of blinding of outcome assessors.
  2. The inclusion of non‐randomised studies in McFadden 2005, which are known to be at higher risk of bias, is likely...

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