The RPAS Lite edition is a self-contained RPAS solution hosted by InfoTech as a SaaS. It is designed for deployment at organizations where platform integration is not required. RPAS Lite is recommended for smaller financial research departments and organizations. RPAS Lite is a fully web-based platform, relying on a browser and internet connectivity. Microsoft Word is not required.
Company Note Authoring
Morning notes are among the most time-sensitive of research publications produced by financial research departments. Automating the authoring process allows research analysts and associates to leverage corporate data to quickly author and submit morning notes for publication and distribution. RPAS Lite contains an authoring module that uses a web-based rich text editor and not MS Word.
Automated Compliance System
Ensure that documents comply with SEC regulations governing research publications before they are published to the public
Upload External PDF notes
Upload external documents (non-RPAS) and apply tagging to each document